I get to play with themes in interesting ways with no restrictions, that is the best thing about being a writer.
Pic by Richard Barr @richbarrsphoto
About me
I’m a writer of Jamaican descent from South London. My work examines the inner self work required to heal and thrive. My degree in Counselling influences my writing style, which champions the continuous journey of self-exploration.
In 2015, after six years, I concluded the award-nominated blog, Deeper Than Twitter. I have contributed to Precious Online, The Tribe and the KOL Social Magazine.
I always knew I had a book in me, but a romance novel? I surprised myself there lol. Symona’s Still Single is my debut romance out on 8th October 2020.
About the book
Symona Brown is a 37-year old Jamaican British woman living in South London looking for her Mr. Right whilst her biological clock loudly ticks on. She announces to her close girlfriends after a boozy Sunday brunch, that she is ready to up her game and start actively dating, to their surprise and delight. After being consciously single for a number of years, Symona remembers what worked and what definitely did not in the dating arena. This time, she knows who she is and what she wants.
As Symona reflects through her memories from one Mr. to another, she reveals her sensual, hilarious and downright frustrating encounters. She finds herself asking, “What does it mean to be a Black woman trying to exist, date and find love?” In her pursuit of love, she learns new lessons and different answers. Will these new revelations get her what she wants?